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Entries in kispiox river (3)


LNG & Moose in the Kispiox Valley

The Oil and Gas Commission granted an "Investigative Use Permit" to TransCanada to complete geotechnical drilling on both sides of the Kispiox River. In their permit, it is stated there is no ungulate winter range and no wildlife habitat in the drilling area.

This video courtesy of Shannon McPhail shows that is bullshit.




Kispiox dollies enjoy a nice cut of meat here and there.  This one hammered a 6" big nasty before properly finishing his previous meal.

Sent to us by Nate McDonough - Head Guide Bristol Bay Lodge


Winner - Feb. Slab of the Month: Kispiox Steelhead

Winner winner, chicken dinner?  Mike Berry takes on the SOTM with reckless abandon.

Berry takes the cake in Feb continuing a strong tradition of big 09 Steelhead.  Send us your March slabs now!