LNG & Moose in the Kispiox Valley

The Oil and Gas Commission granted an "Investigative Use Permit" to TransCanada to complete geotechnical drilling on both sides of the Kispiox River. In their permit, it is stated there is no ungulate winter range and no wildlife habitat in the drilling area.
This video courtesy of Shannon McPhail shows that is bullshit.
kispiox river,
shannon mcphail in
Film and Video

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Kispiox is a Gitxsan (often known also as Gitksan, due to eastern and western dialects) village of approximately 550 in the Kispiox Valley, at the confluence of the Kispiox and Skeena Rivers in British Columbia. Located 13 km north of Hazelton, the community is situated within the Kispiox Indian Reserve and is managed by the Kispiox Band Council.