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Entries in greenback cutthroat (2)


"We were very excited to be a part of this significant day in the return of the greenback cutthroat trout to the South Platte Basin"

On August 8th, through hard work at the Leadville National Hatchery, 1,200 greenback cutthroat were reintroduced to the wild.

LINK (via:The Greenbacks)


Greenbacks for the Greenback 

There are about 750 pure, wild greenback cutthroat trout in the world, all living an extremely fragile existence in an unlikely place - Bear Creek, a small stream west of Colorado Springs, CO.

You can help protect this fragile environment and, ultimately, restore the species to its native range by donating to the Grenbacks for the Greenback indiegogo campaign.

Just do it!