Greenbacks for the Greenback

There are about 750 pure, wild greenback cutthroat trout in the world, all living an extremely fragile existence in an unlikely place - Bear Creek, a small stream west of Colorado Springs, CO.
You can help protect this fragile environment and, ultimately, restore the species to its native range by donating to the Grenbacks for the Greenback indiegogo campaign.
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Reader Comments (1)
I've worked rather closely with these fish and the species has quite the situation; the only genetically pure population is found on a 4-mile stretch of water OUTSIDE of their native range. The greenback is endemic to the South Platte drainage, not the Arkansas where it currently resides. It is of upmost importance to maintain the GB genetic integrity, but I hope future conservation efforts veer towards restoring them to their native range. Bear Creek is the last strong hold for these fish and conservation needs to start here. This video gives good insight to the peril of this species, however, it's a shame that white man started transporting fish hundreds of years ago, unbeknownst of the consequences. Interestingly enough, fish transport turned out to be a good thing in this situation and has given us the opportunity to preserve Colorado's state fish. It's hard (more-so expensive) to restore cutthroat populations when other oncorhynchus brethren are found literally everywhere to taint the gene pool.