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Entries in fly fishing for snook (3)


Snook harvest ban expiration nears

A two-year ban on the harvest of snook, put in place following a freeze that killed hundreds of thousands of the fish, is set to expire on August 31st.

Many want an extension:

The numbers just aren’t the same. The days of catching 20 or 30 of them aren’t here yet,” he said. “I’d even support extending the ban another two or three years. It’s not going to hurt anyone. You’re just not going to put them on people’s plates for a while.”

But there are opponents to the ban who believe snook are in fine shape:

“The stocks are doing extremely well,” he said. “When you have that tiny of a bag limit, the take is inconsequential. The total population is in good shape.

LINK (via:news-press)


Snook are more plentiful in the surf than fans at a Tampa Bay Rays game

LINK (Via: Gibby's Fishing Blog)


Ain't no nookie like snookie

In this video sent to us by R.A., BIG snook take top water poppers in the back bays.