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Entries in fish in the news (543)


Half of this year's endangered winter Chinooks may have died

As many as half of this year's endangered Sacramento River winter Chinook salmon run may have perished in irrigation ditches, according to information disclosed in a federal agency report, a state agency report and an independent scientific assessment.

To compound the problem, the weakened survivors face being hammered by the mismanagement of cold water releases from Shasta Dam by the state and federal governments.

Dan Bacher lays out the grim details.


The Sacramento is not the only river seeing its salmon under threat from rich and powerful agricutural interests.

LINK (via: Klamblog)


Noodle This

In the 1990s, the CIA's Office of Advanced Technologies created "Charlie," a robot catfish, to study the feasibility of unmanned underwater vehicles for intelligence collection. Charlie is on display in a "secret" museum located inside CIA headquarters. Not open to the public, the museum showcases artifacts from decades of intelligence gathering.



Extraordinary trout have tolerance to filthy water

New research from the University of Exeter and King’s College London has shown how a population of brown trout can survive in the contaminated waters of the River Hayle in Cornwall where metal concentrations are so high they would be lethal to fish from unpolluted sites.

LINK (via: Science Blog)

New research from the University of Exeter and King’s College London has shown how a population of brown trout can survive in the contaminated waters of the River Hayle in Cornwall where metal concentrations are so high they would be lethal to fish from unpolluted sites.
New research from the University of Exeter and King’s College London has shown how a population of brown trout can survive in the contaminated waters of the River Hayle in Cornwall where metal concentrations are so high they would be lethal to fish from unpolluted sites.
Read more at trout have tolerance to filthy waterNew research from the University of Exeter and King’s College London has shown how a population of brown trout can survive in the contaminated waters of the River Hayle in Cornwall where metal concentrations are so high they would be lethal to fish from unpolluted sites.

The Grand Isle Dead Tarpon Rodeo

The Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo is the oldest fishing tournament in the United States, it's a shame they are still primarily a kill tournament when it comes to their namesake tarpon. To their credit they did add a catch and release category this year, unfortunately this fish did not land in the release category. There were zero entries in the tarpon tag and release category so this fish would have taken the top prize.

LINK (via: The Daily Comet)


300 fish found dead in Provo River

Photo: James Roh

Wildlife officials are trying to detemine what killed 300 brown trout in the Provo River Tuesday morning.

LINK (via: The Daily Herald)


Bristol Bay fishermen jubilant over $1.50-a-pound red salmon price

Bristol Bay red salmon won't be worth a plug nickle if Northern Dynasty and their partners have their way with Bristol Bay.

Some helpful stats from the same article.

In Alaska alone, the Bristol Bay fishery supports 4,369 jobs in fishing and processing; plus 3,227 in Washington state; 2,143 in Oregon; 553 in California and 1,629 in other states, according to a recent report by researchers at the University of Alaska's Institute for Social and Economic Research. The fishery also creates an additional 7,800 jobs nationwide due to multiplier effects of retailing in grocery stores, restaurant and more and development of value-added products, they said.

All at risk if Pebble ever comes to fruition.

LINK (via:Alaska Dispatch)