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Entries in fish in the news (543)


DFO steps up patrols against Fraser sockeye poachers

All fishing for sockeye has been shut down on the Faser in response to a low run size and dangerously high river temperatures to ensure as many of the salmon get upriver to spawn as possible.

But Department of Fisheries and Oceans area director Herb Redekopp said the "full-out conservation closure" hasn't deterred illegal fishing on the river.

LINK (via:Chilliwack Progress)


Lolo Creek Running Lowlowlow

It's actually not running at all.

A combination of extremely dry weather, plus a big demand for water because of the Lolo Creek Complex Fire is killing hundreds of fish, as lower Lolo Creek runs dry.



2 bull sharks caught in Potomac River


Beavers, fish and cows: Restless co-existence 

The complex and sometimes controversial role that beavers play in the lives of fish in Oregon's John Day River System.

State and federal biologists usually tout beaver dams as good for fish passage under the right conditions. Ranchers, on the other hand, sometimes worry the impoundments will shrink steelhead runs, leaving cattle to catch accusations of environmental damage.

LINK (via:Oregon Live)


Fish fear robotic predators......

Unless they're drunk.

Scientists swear they had a really good reason for building a robotic fish, getting some other fish drunk, and then chasing them around with it.

LINK (via: Inkfish)


"A fish kill could have “severe impacts on both commercial and tribal fishing interests.” 

Despite that quote from Judge Lawrence J. O'Neill, he still granted a temporary restraining order sought by farmers in the San Joaquin Valley to halt water releases  needed to prevent a fish kill on the lower Klamath River.

LINK (via: Times-Standard News)