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Entries in fraser river sockeye (3)


Satellite Detects Massive Spill at Canadian Gold Mine



How bad is that breach of the Mt. Polley mine tailing impoundment in BC?

You can see it from space.

LINK (via: SkyTruth)

An estimated 1.5 million migrating Fraser River sockeye salmon are destined for Quesnel Lake, which has now been contaminated.


DFO steps up patrols against Fraser sockeye poachers

All fishing for sockeye has been shut down on the Faser in response to a low run size and dangerously high river temperatures to ensure as many of the salmon get upriver to spawn as possible.

But Department of Fisheries and Oceans area director Herb Redekopp said the "full-out conservation closure" hasn't deterred illegal fishing on the river.

LINK (via:Chilliwack Progress)


Wild Salmon Advocates Cheer Cohen Commission Report

Supporters of B.C.'s wild salmon were delighted with the release of the Cohen Commission report on the decline of Fraser River sockeye. Wild salmon advocates stressed that it's now up to citizens to put pressure on federal and provincial politicians to ensure that Cohen's 75 specific recommendations are carried out.

LINK (via:The Tyee)