Entries in boca grande (7)
A Line Drawn

Captain Chris Frohlich on the community efforts to ban the Boca Grande tarpon jig.
A line has been drawn in the sand. I believe that on one side is the moral high ground, a rich history, respect, and tradition. On the other side sits a group of opportunistic vultures, ready to poach when the time is right. They have long since abandoned any moral compass that they once used to guide their way. They are merely pawns, following the gospel of a few greedy individuals who will stop at nothing in the pursuit of fortune.
LINK (via: Save the Tarpon)

I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. It's dead, that's what's wrong with it

No, no, 'e's ah... he's resting.
Save the Tarpon is keeping the heat on the Professional Tarpon Tournament Series (PTTS) whose representatives are having a hard time dealing with the facts.
DNA tests link a dead and purposely gutted tarpon to the PTTS.
Florida Guides Association Senior VP, says Save the Tarpon gutted tarpon killed by PTTS.
PTTS fires off Facebook attack on ‘extremist’ supporters of FWC tarpon conservation push.
If you have not yet signed the petition to Save the Tarpon of Boca Grande Pass please do so now.
FWC to take up Boca Grande tarpon protection issue

In a recent interview Kenneth Wright, Chairman of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, says they're going to be taking up the issue of jig fishing for tarpon at their September meeting in Tampa. He's also looking into holding a tarpon summit and bringing together representatives of the Boca Grande Guides Association, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust as well as Professional Tarpon Tournament Series to get as many of the parties together to get the facts on the table.
Would love to be a fly on the wall at that gathering.
LINK (via: Boca Grande Talk)
Let's Save The Boca Grande Tarpon Habitat

Many of the old time guides are saying we need to take another look at the way we are dealing with the Boca Grande tarpon fishery — at least when it comes to weigh-in tournaments as attached to jig fishing.
LINK (Via:Tampa Bay Online)

Rebirth of World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament

The Boca Grande Chamber of Commerce will team up with the Boca Grande Fishing Guides Association to hold the World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament.
The 2012 tournament will mark the return of the competition which hasn’t been held since 2004. In the past, the tournament drew in so many anglers, sponsors and so much attention that the prize money reached an impressive quarter of a million dollars.
As for the winners of the next year's tournament estimates are $80,000 for the first place winner, $20,000 for second and $10,000 for third.
The World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament is all catch-and-release and is tentatively scheduled for May 17 and 18, 2012.
LINK (Via: The Bocanut Telegraph)