Invasive Carp Lands Wicked Left Hook

“We were going really slow because that seems to get them to jump really high,” Brackett told my good friend Jeff Lampe, the outdoors editor for the Peoria Journal-Star. “Jodi had shot at one and was leaning forward to reel in her arrow when another fish came out of nowhere to her right and then hit her in the jaw.” The resulting impact broke Jodi's jaw.
Sent to us by Adam Monacelli. Read full story at Courier Post Online
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Reader Comments (9)
carp, not just a scum sucker anymore
Take that beeesh.
Broke her jaw?
Wow, sorry about the jaw. She has not been the first to get badly hurt by the carp.
It blew me away to see Peoria on the Moldy Chum web site, even though she was not fly fishing.
A lot of people have been turned on by the new guide services for bow fishing. Hope they don't find out about the fly fishing for carp. I seem to have them practically all to myself.
KARMA Biiiiaaaatchhh!!!!! That's what you get for spearing fish for "sport".
looks like a mullet.
better than a tazzer in the face. that shit hurts.
Speydog - since your an ignorant ass I'll clue you in. The Asian carp have completely taken over the Illinois River and threaten to do the same to the Great Lakes. You can barely go down the river without them jumping in your boat. The only thing holding them back from the Great Lakes is an electric fish dam that is sketchy at best.
They need to shoot and kill as many of them as possible.
Mr Silver, I am a huge fan of tough talk on the internet, ignorant ass I am not, however I do find "bow-fishing" to be a pass time of the nascar, monster truck, sex with your sister types. Here in BC we don't resort to such backward and inefficient means of ridding our waters of invasive species, electricity is a highly effective means of stunning fish and removing the undesirables. Sorry if you were offended BIAAAATCH!!!!