kind of a big deal

To raise a steelhead on a dry is one thing, but to get footage of it is kind of a big deal.

fly fishing video,
ryan peterson,
steelhead in
Film and Video

To raise a steelhead on a dry is one thing, but to get footage of it is kind of a big deal.
Reader Comments (14)
So what fly is being used?
To bad the guy couldn't cast very well.......NOT That was impressive.
persistence pays off. sweet footage & i need a spey rod...
The casting footage was awesome! Makes me want a spey rod too...
Oh yeah! Awesome fish too!
I need a Spey rod, that casting was unreal
Sick footy
Wish i could find some Steel that would jump at a fly over, and over, and over, and over.......
Sweet video.
That was awesome!
Soupa Doupa
was i the only watching this yelling "SET THE HOOK"???
nice footage, one patient cameraman! Decent casting too!
Must spey!!