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Entries in steelhead (215)


Vote for the Next Chum Euro Species Decal

Visit the Chum Poll on the left sidebar to cast your vote for the next decal.

In the meantime, still plenty of STLHD and BNFSH available for 3 bones a pop.


Haiku Steelhead

Silver surfer in verse

Swinging flies and sky sunrise

Haiku meets steelhead



Steelhead recovering through Hood Canal program

Scientists have spent two years rearing wild steelhead in hopes of restoring threatened Puget Sound populations.

Steelhead hatcheries typically feed their steelhead a heavy diet to boost their size for release after their first year. But the slowly fed 2 year olds seem to survive at a much higher rate. In fact, holding fish for an extra year appears to be so successful that it may become the norm -- particularly for a new breed of hatcheries aimed at increasing natural populations rather than just producing fish for sport and tribal fisheries.

LINK (Via: Oregon Live)


May Slab of the Month: Yakutat Steelhead

Catterson officially brings the West back to a level of anadromous respectability.  Real steel.


Wild Steelhead Coalition Hosting Rivers Of A Lost Coast  

This Saturday the Wild Steelhead Coalition's annual fundraiser will be the site of the Northwest premier of Rivers of a Lost Coast. Tickets are still available for the movie but the special reception with the film's narrator Tom Skerritt and producers Justin Coupe and Palmer Taylor is sold out.

Get your tickets here. LINK


Man Plans, Mother Nature Laughs - Fly Fishing B.C.'s North Coast

Patagonia's fly fishing ambassador Dylan Tomine recently returned from a spring steelhead expedition to British Columbia. The conditions weren't ideal for fishing but they were ideal for some cold-weather gear testing. Dylan shares his thoughts on The Cleanest Line along with some great shots from photographer Tim Pask.