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Entries in steelhead (215)


'The worst part of losing good fish is that you cannot release them. They tailwalk across the back of your mind for days.' - Christopher Camuto

Spent a sunny and crisp Christmas Eve out on the OP chasing steelhead. I managed to go 0 for 4 and Jordan landed 3 fish..... including this one seriously pissed off tape measure worthy buck. 


Dec. Slab of the Month Entry: Thompson River Steel

I hit the Thompson with Apple and Niska last month during perfect conditions and got blanked.  Jason Higo hit it last week and took this dime hen.  Jumping 6 times and wreaking all kinds of backing havoc, this fish was hot.  But, at 15 degrees below, the weather was not. 

All things considered, this is slab worthy indeed.


SARSAS -Save Auburn Ravine Salmon and Steelhead

The goal of SARSAS is to return salmon and steelhead runs to the entire fifty mile length of the Auburn Ravine.

SARSAS is trying to do with one stream,what must be done to all streams and rivers on the entire West Coast and that is to make the entire length of the ravine navigable for Anadromous Fish.



LA River Steelhead!

So we don't all OD on B.C. steel. LINK (Via: FIshing with JD)


Oct Slab of the Month Entry: B.C. Steel

Germany's Ralf Raacke on his second trip to the Smithers area - this time it results in the grippage of 38 inches. 


Fall Edition of the Osprey

The Fall edition of The Osprey , a journal published by the Federation of Fly Fishers steelhead committee, has been released and includes a number of informative articles.

--Deschutes River hatchery strays
--New BiOp analysis
--Oregon Forest Practices
--Wind River dam removal
--New Era for Osprey
--Alameda Creek Update

(Via: Osprey Steelhead News)