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Entries in thompson river (3)


Proposed Bait Ban for B.C.'s Thompson River 

In an effort to protect the declining numbers of Thompson River steelhead, the B.C. Ministry of the Environment is proposing a number of rule changes which includes a ban on the use of bait. The Ministry is seeking comments on the proposed changes so here's your chance to add your voice do something to help preserve Thompson steelhead. 

Deadline for comments is currently December 13th, registration is required.

LINK (via: Osprey Steelhead News)


Take Action! Protect the Thompson From Hatcheries

Photo: Brian Niska

The definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

From Osprey Steelhead News

This year, for the second time this decade, fisheries mangers opted not to open the BC's legendary Thompson River. For the last 5 years returns have hovered at extremely low levels, with only 800-1200 fish returning annually. Now, with steelhead stocks critically depressed some ill informed angler groups are calling for a hatchery program. Thirty years of science and recovery efforts elsewhere have demonstrated that hatchery fish are not adequate replacements for wild and that when spawning in the wild, their reproductive success is often reduced as much as 90%. Adding a hatchery on the Thompson would only serve to further depress wild stocks. At this point the wild population cannot afford such a setback.

Sign the petition today and tell fisheries managers the Thompson must remain wild.


Dec. Slab of the Month Entry: Thompson River Steel

I hit the Thompson with Apple and Niska last month during perfect conditions and got blanked.  Jason Higo hit it last week and took this dime hen.  Jumping 6 times and wreaking all kinds of backing havoc, this fish was hot.  But, at 15 degrees below, the weather was not. 

All things considered, this is slab worthy indeed.