Entries in sockeye (10)
The Legacy of Lonesome Larry
Sockeye entered the Columbia River this week, beginning a 900-mile migration that very nearly ended 20 years ago.
Only four Snake River sockeye made their way through eight dams and past nets and predators in 1992, a year after the fish that makes its home in Idaho’s Sawtooth Valley was listed as endangered. Only one male completed the final climb up the Snake and Salmon rivers to a weir on Redfish Lake Creek.....Lonesome Larry.
Lonesome Larry became the symbol of the entire Snake and Columbia salmon restoration program.
Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2012/05/19/2123092/the-legacy-oflonesome-larry.html#storylink=cpy
LINK (via: The Idaho Statesman)
Fisheries minister’s comments on Skeena sockeye ‘asinine’
Federal fisheries minister Gail Shea’s comments about Skeena River sockeye salmon returns show why regional management is needed, said the New Democratic Party MLA for Stikine, Doug Donaldson.
“Maybe the salmon will return a year later,” Shea said in an interview on CBC radio’s All Points West during her visit to Prince Rupert yesterday.
LINK (Via: The Hook)
Down goes Fraser?
More than nine million sockeye have vanished from B.C. river. How it happened remains a mystery LINK
Sent to us by Robert at Casting Out Loud