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Entries in sacred headwaters (18)


Sacred Headwaters 

The Sacred Headwaters of British Columbia - where three of British Columbia's greatest salmon-bearing rivers are formed, are under serious threat by coalbed methane and mining developments

In this video, featuring photos by Paul Colangelo and music by Todd Hannigan, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Wade Davis describes the Sacred Headwaters and what's at stake.


Protecting the Sacred Headwaters

Meet Shannon McPhail,
Executive Director of the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition
6:30 PM on June 21 at 5700 Airport Way South Seattle
Suite 265


Please join us on June 21 for a discussion with Shannon McPhail, Executive Director of the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition (SWCC). Her organization isleading the local effort to protect some of the healthiest, most productive rivers on earth – the Skeena and her tributaries, including the famed Kispiox, Bulkley and Babine, home to the largest wild steelhead in the world.

Key to SWCC’s long-term effort is the prevention of massive coalbed methane development in the Sacred Headwaters, birthplace of the Skeena and two other great wild rivers of northern British Columbia, the Stikine and the Nass. SWCC helped secure a moratorium on this development in 2008. That moratorium expires this December. (See the links below for more information.)

This is a critically important time to take action to protect one of the most beautiful, most ecologically important landscapes on earth, and the three great rivers that rise from it. Your help is urgently needed.

Ms. McPhail will describe the history, work and accomplishments of the SWCC, and its effort to secure permanent protection for the Sacred Headwaters this year. An open discussion will follow her presentation.

This is your chance to learn about one of the most important – and most winnable – environmental protection campaigns underway in North America. You will leave with a clear understanding of the nature of the threat, the strategies for addressing it, the needs of the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, and how you can help.

Imagine how good it would feel to celebrate one year from today your role in helping end one of the greatest threats ever to one of the greatest places left on Earth! Join us on June 21 to take the first step.

Please drop a quick reply to RSVP – and please pass this along to others you believe will be interested.

Skeena River Watershed Conservation Coalition

Sacred Headwaters Campaign


Get the Shell out of the Sacred Headwaters

The moratorium on gas drilling in Sacred Headwaters is set to expire in seven months. At Shell’s recent annual shareholder meeting, the company made clear that it has no plans to withdraw its operations to drill frack for gas in BC’s Sacred Headwaters.

LINK (via: Forest Ethics)

The same effort put forth by the fly trade and others to fight the Pebble Mine should be duplicated to protect the Sacred Headwaters. The threat to the Sacred Headwaters and the Great Bear Rain Forest are as egregious as Pebble is to Bristol Bay. The Sacred Headwaters are the birthplace of the Skeena, Nass, and Stikine Rivers, some of the wildest salmon and steelhead rivers remaining in North America.


Make the Sacred Headwaters gas drilling ban permanent!

Set to expire in December of 2012, environmental groups are calling for an existing provincial moratorium on drilling in the Sacred Headwaters to be extended indefinitely.

LINK (Via: The Vancouver Sun)

A new book, The Sacred Headwaters: The Fight to Save the Stikine, Skeena and Nass, by Wade Davis, Carr Cliton and Robert Kennedy Jr, is do out on the 14th.


A Journey Through the Sacred Headwaters

In northern British Columbia, three of the province's greatest salmon-bearing rivers are formed in the subalpine basin known as the Sacred Headwaters. The land has one of the largest intact predator-prey systems in North America, earning it the nickname, "Serengeti of the North," and is the traditional territory of the Tahltan First Nation.

The Headwaters is at the centre of a dispute between the Tahltan, resource industries, government and environmental groups. Competing interests concerning land use, mining and hunting have created divides and put the future health of the Sacred Headwaters at risk.

Sacred Headwaters, Sacred Journey is a documentary project of the Sacred Headwaters. Photographer Paul Colangelo and writer Amanda Follett aim to raise awareness of this remote land and the issues surrounding it.

Click on the image above to see Sacred Headwaters for yourself.


Rachelle Van Zanten - My Country

Inspired by images of Tahltan women blockading Shell in defense of the Sacred Headwaters in northern British Columbia, Rachelle Van Zanten wrote 'My Country'.

She was invited to perform it for the Tahltan people at the Iskut Music Festival a year later, where this video was filmed.


The Sacred Headwaters is the source of three of was just named as one of British Columbia's Most Endangered Rivers for the second year in a row. The reason: Royal Dutch Shell plans to drill for coalbed methane in this pristine area.

Shell wants to use 'fracking' to extract the natural gas and we all know how that is working out. 

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