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A Journey Through the Sacred Headwaters

In northern British Columbia, three of the province's greatest salmon-bearing rivers are formed in the subalpine basin known as the Sacred Headwaters. The land has one of the largest intact predator-prey systems in North America, earning it the nickname, "Serengeti of the North," and is the traditional territory of the Tahltan First Nation.

The Headwaters is at the centre of a dispute between the Tahltan, resource industries, government and environmental groups. Competing interests concerning land use, mining and hunting have created divides and put the future health of the Sacred Headwaters at risk.

Sacred Headwaters, Sacred Journey is a documentary project of the Sacred Headwaters. Photographer Paul Colangelo and writer Amanda Follett aim to raise awareness of this remote land and the issues surrounding it.

Click on the image above to see Sacred Headwaters for yourself.

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