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Entries in wade davis (5)


Odyssey to the Sacred Headwaters

On February 12th the University of British Columbia is hosting a lecture by Wade Davis on the beauty of the Sacred Headwaters, the threats to it, and the response of native groups and concerned citizens.

Davis’ message: no amount of gold, copper or methane gas can compensate for the sacrifice of a place that could be the Sacred Headwaters of all Canadians, and indeed, of all peoples of the world.

For those of us outside the region a livestream of the lecture will be available on-line the day of the event.


David Suzuki calls Davis, "a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet, and passionate defender of all life's diversity." If you have never had a chance to see Davis speak I would encourage you to tune in to the livestream and be prepared to be inspired. This is one of the last great wilderness areas on the planet and it deserves your attention and involvement in helping to protect it from rampant resource development.

If you can't watch the livestream, here is a 2012 TED talk that Davis gave in Long Beach concerning the myriad of threats to the region.


Sacred Headwaters 

The Sacred Headwaters of British Columbia - where three of British Columbia's greatest salmon-bearing rivers are formed, are under serious threat by coalbed methane and mining developments

In this video, featuring photos by Paul Colangelo and music by Todd Hannigan, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Wade Davis describes the Sacred Headwaters and what's at stake.


Powerful pipeline testimony

Lee Brain, son of an oil man, receives a standing ovation and brings a crowd to tears after delivering powerful and inspirational testimony in front of the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel in Prince Rupert on February 18, 2012.

Dr. Wade Davis spoke at a public forum in Winnipeg Feb. 16, 2012 entitled TAR SANDS, PIPELINES, & TANKERS - a Public Forum on the Enbridge Northern Gateway Proposal. Davis is Explorer in Residence for the National Geographic Society, Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of Winnipeg and author of The Sacred Headwaters: the fight to save the Stikine, Skeena and Nass.


Make the Sacred Headwaters gas drilling ban permanent!

Set to expire in December of 2012, environmental groups are calling for an existing provincial moratorium on drilling in the Sacred Headwaters to be extended indefinitely.

LINK (Via: The Vancouver Sun)

A new book, The Sacred Headwaters: The Fight to Save the Stikine, Skeena and Nass, by Wade Davis, Carr Cliton and Robert Kennedy Jr, is do out on the 14th.


Very Special Event Monday in Seattle

A very special event will be taking place this Monday in Seattle.

Award Winning Cause, Inspirational Film

Presented by Author and Explorer Wade Davis

Monday, January 24, 2011

Seattle’s Guild 45th Theatre

What:   Sponsored by Patagonia and The Wild Steelhead Coalition, and hosted by Wade Davis and the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, this evening will profile the incredible work being done by a courageous group of people determined to bring awareness to a remote part of Northern BC, known as Sacred Headwaters and located in the Skeena Watershed, that is in danger of being irrevocably damaged forever.

"Awakening the Skeena" is a film about hope, human endurance and inspiration. Film-maker, Andrew Eddy documents the 26 day epic journey of Ali Howard as she swims the entire 610km length of the Skeena River, in an effort to raise awareness for the Skeena Watershed and its current industrial threats. This film demonstrates how a single person can unite several nations, communities and various levels of government toward a common vision. Howard was named one of the Top 10 Most Intriguing Environmentalists on the Planet and is the first recipient of the Patagonia Activist Award.  

A trailer for the film may be viewed here

When: Monday, January 24, 2011.  Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Where: Seattle’s Guild 45th Theatre, 2115 North 45th

Tickets:  $10.00, are available in advance through the Guild 45th website or at the box office, on January 24th.  

All proceeds from the event will benefit The Skeena Watershed Coalition and The Wild Steelhead Coalition.

Who:   Wade Davis: Wade Davis has been described as "a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet, and passionate defender of all of life's diversity."  He is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2002 Lannan Foundation $125,000 prize for literary non-fiction, the 2002 Lowell Thomas Medal (The Explorer’s Club),  the Gold Medal of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (2009) and The Explorers Medal, the highest award of the Explorers Club (2011).

Andrew Eddy:  In 2009, producer and director Andrew Eddy spent over a month on an expedition in Northern BC to document the 610 km journey of local resident Ali Howard, as she swam the Skeen from the remote headwaters to the ocean.  This was an attempt to galvanize local residents in a battle to defend the region against a proposed coal bed methane development.

Shannon McPhail, Executive Director, Skeena Watershed Coalition. McPhail lives and works in the watershed and grew up on a working ranch, spending much of her youth fishing and hunting in the Skeena Mountains with her family. Her diverse background allows her to understand and relate to people within the watershed that have a variety of opinions and concerns.   McPhail founded SWCC in 2004.

Rachelle van Zanten:  A Canadian songstress and slide guitarist, van Zanten will perform during the January 24th event. In support of efforts to protect the Skeena she composed and performed the song, My Countrty, which appears in the film’s soundtrack.VanZanten beat out Nickleback and Jann Arden for Western Canada’s Entertainer of the Year, she’s performed with Feist & Blue Rodeo and has opened for well-known performers such as Steve Earl and the Indigo Girls.

Why:  This battle for awareness and action to save the shared birthplace of the Skeena, Nass and Stikine Rivers, also known as the Serengeti of North America, is only just beginning.   Royal Dutch Shell wants to drill 1000’s of coalbed methane gas wells in the Sacred Headwaters, threatening communities, wildlife and wild salmon. Concerned citizens from around the world are calling for steps to safeguard the Sacred Headwaters from Shell's gas drilling

Please come out and support this very special cause.