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Entries in rick bass (2)


Cutting the Tar Sands Tentacle with Rick Bass and David James Duncan 

Here is a link to the audio from last week's Orion Community Conversation with authors Rick Bass and David James Duncan.

As the massive mega-load truck convoys roll into Montana, they create a beastly "tar sands tentacle" all the way to Canada. Resistance to it is mounting. Bass and Duncan set aside other writing projects recently to coauthor a vitally important book on the topic, The Heart of the Monster. During this free live event, they will read from the book, lead a discussion of what is being done to combat "the haul," and answer your questions.


The Heart of the Monster

David James Duncan and Rick Bass have teamed up with photographer Frederic Ohringer to publish a new advocacy book, The Heart of the Monster: Why the Pacific Northwest & Northern Rockies Must Not Become an ExxonMobil Conduit to the Alberta Tar Sands. Proceeds from the book will go to All Against the Haul, a group that works to prevent the construction of a permanent industrial corridor on rural roads in the Northwest and Northern Rockies, stretching to the Tar Sands of Alberta, Canada.

The book is only available at independent book sellers or on the All Against the Haul website.

LINK (Via: Northwest Book Lovers) 

The story behind the Duncan Bass collaboration.

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