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Entries in petition (2)


Stop the proposed hatchery program on the Klickitat

The Klickitat River in southern Washington is among the crowned jewels of the Pacific Northwest. Long revered for its large native steelhead and spring Chinook, the river has some of the most intact habitat for fish and wildlife in the Middle Columbia Region.  It's the home of this recent Slab of the Month.

This is where you come in. Please take 2 minutes to read over the comments here, personalize the letter and send your message to BPA.


Do you value North Umpqua Wild Steelhead?

Dear Friends of Wild Steelhead,

The North Umpqua Wild Steelhead Coalition views the Umpqua River, and especially the North Umpqua, as the premier wild steelhead river in Oregon, based on its international reputation and the rarity of its wild steelhead.

Wild North Umpqua winter steelhead express life history and genetic characteristics that are rare across California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho.

Therefore, we believe that The North Umpqua deserves special management recognition, including prohibition of harvesting wild steelhead.

We ask you to sign this petition to continue to ensure catch-and-release angling only for the remarkable wild winter steelhead of the Umpqua River.

Join the cause and/or learn more at the North Umpqua Wild Steelhead Coalition