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Entries in oman (3)


Dec. SOTM Entry: Indo-Pacific Permit

Ray Montoya is an American that works in Oman.  He's been chasing Indo-Pacific permit for years.  This is likely the biggest/cleanest he's come across.  Nice pic.  Better video...


The Permit of Oman

For years, Ray Montoya has been chasing permit on the Arabian Peninsula of southern Oman. These fish inhabit tidal beach flats, often swimming on their sides in water just a few inches deep to forage for crabs and snails. He finally captured what fishing these permits is all about using his GoPro.



Dec Slab of the Month Entry: Persian Gulf Milkfish

Representing the Middle East, Chum lover AJ Pretorius stroked this Milkfish off the Southern Island of Oman in the Persian Gulf.  More proof that there's more to life than the upstream, dryfly presentation.