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Entries in frankenfish (15)


Sen. Mark Begich cautiously weighed in on the revised draft in a Friday statement

Alaska Senator Mark Begich certainly is a fierce advocate for wild salmon stocks when it comes to the threat posed by genetically modified salmon

“Alaska has been supplying the world with nutritious salmon for decades,” Begich said. “We cannot afford to experiment with the world’s largest wild salmon stocks without the certainty that these fake fish won’t pose a serious environmental risk, especially to wild salmon and their habitat. I am introducing these bills to prevent against science experiments ending up on the plates of Alaska families.”

His fierce advocacy for wild salmon suddenly wanes when it comes to the latest EPA findings that the Pebble Mine would destroy 90 miles of streams and up to 4,800 acres of wetland salmon habitat.

“While I remain opposed to a pre-emptive veto of this or any other project, an open, public process that answers Alaskans’ questions and puts better science on the table is a good thing. I look forward to reviewing this assessment and hope it answers questions about whether this project can meet the high hurdle of developing a large-scale mine while protecting our renewable resources.”


Prevention of Escapement of Genetically Altered Salmon in the United States

That is the name of new legislation sponsored by Alaska Senator Mark Begich to ban genetically engineered salmon.

LINK (via: The Columbia Basin Bulletin)


Comng Soon to a Dinner Plate Near You?

Genetically modified salmon moved closer to the market last week with release of draft documents from the Food and Drug Administration that assessed the environmental risks posed by AquAdvantage salmon, which grow faster than regular Atlantic salmon.

The agency found, on a preliminary basis, that the GM fish, produced by AquaBounty Technologies of Massachusetts, posed no significant threat.

LINK (LA Times)


Kakha Bendukidze Holds Fate of Genetically Engineered Salmon

If Americans ever eat genetically engineered fast-growing salmon, it might be because of a Soviet biologist turned oligarch turned government minister turned fish farming entrepreneur.

LINK (via:The NY Times)


The Genetically Engineered Salmon That Could Soon Run Wild 

Outside's Ari Laveaux pulls back the curtain on gentically engineered salmon.

AquaBounty salmon, the unreported disaster at a Panama grow-out facility, and the Georgian libertarian who took control of the fish farm and may soon move it outside the watch of the Food & Drug Administration. Meet what could soon be the first GE animal allowed for human consumption.

LINK (via: Outside Online0


Senate defeats attempt to study genetically engineered salmon

The Senate yesterday defeated an amendment, 45-50, by Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, to require comprehensive environmental study of what she called a “test tube” salmon before the government approves it for the food supply.

LINK (via: SF Gate)