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Entries in fly rods (38)


Winston Fly Rods 2013 Catalog Highlights 


Eagle Claw Switch Rod Build

This video outlines how to build a switch rod for about $40.

Full instructions and materials HERE.


Grass Roots - A PNW Bamboo and Steelhead Gathering 

If you're interested in bamboo rods (both spey and single-hand) and classic reels, and all things steelhead fly fishing related you should attend attend Grass Roots on Saturday, January 26, 2013 at the Howard Miller Steelhead Park on the Skagit River near Rockport, Washington.

On display will be a host of killer custom tackle from:
J.M. Reid Bamboo Fly Rods
Confluence Rod Company
Cadno Silk Lines (modern shooting head tapers made in traditional materials)
Tim Anderson Bamboo Rods
as well as others.

Howard Miller Steelhead Park is located at near the junction of state route 20 and state route 530 in Rockport. There are tent and RV sites available as well as roofed, 3 walled, 8 bunked "Adirondacks" available at the park for very reasonable costs with power outlets as well as a few cabins and a boat launch. For details/reservations please contact:

RSVP by hitting this LINK and scrolling to the bottom of the page.


ArticSilver Free Flex Concept

Teaser for their pending Indiegogo fundraising campaign.


High Tech Runs Through It: The New Fly-Fishing 

Fixated by bits and bytes, we sometimes forget the importance of innovation in 'stuff.'

LINK (via: The Wall St Journal)


Bendy vs. Stiff

One man, two rods.

Cast at the same time, same line on both, and same line length.

Bendy rod: Berkley Grayphite 8 feet 5/6
Stiff rod: Sage TCX 690
Line Rio tournament Gold 5 weight

To make up for the difference in length, the rods where taped together so the tips where aligned.