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Entries in fly rods (38)


MAKERS Part 4: Aaron Bamboo Fly Rods

For the MAKERS series, Shwood Eyewear pays homage to some of Portland's most innovative artists, builders, writers, and designers that inspire the experimental creators in us all. Part 4 features Aaron Bamboo Fly Rods; a one-man custom fly rod manufacturer in NE Portland, operated by Tim Aaron.

(via: Doobybrain)


Blackburn Bamboo Fly Rods

Bill Blackburn of W.W. Blackburn Bamboo Fly Rods talks about about rod building and fly fishing in Bozeman, Montana.



A day with the crew from Sweetgrass Rods in Twin Bridges, MT.


Winston Yard Sale

If you live in the greater Seattle area and are interested in a deal on a new or slightly used Winston fly rod, head over to Jon Covich's rod sample sale this weekend.


834 SW 174th

Normandy Park, WA 98166


Saturday June 8th 9am-Noon

Sunday June 9th 9am-3pm

PLEASE - No early birds

Here is the complete list of the rods available for sale. 


Sissy Stick

Bill Wetzel with a humorous riff on fly rods vs."real" rods.

The quiet serene sanctity of the Back Bay drained its ebbing tide along the spring cord grass, as the arc of the rod and the draw of the line put the fly in position for dorsal fins to rise and bring the morning to its completion. Give me a break. I just can’t take the sissy wand and all the bologna that goes with it. I know some of you are already thinking that I am a snobby prick that does not know his ass from his elbow. I will not confirm or deny, but I will have some fun here.

LINK (via: Surfcaster's Journal)


Echo PRIME One-Piece Fly Rods: Interview with Tim Rajeff

The Caddis Fly interviews Tim Rajeff about their new one piece ECHO PRIME rod designed for saltwater.

Prime rods are lighter by nearly 20%, they are faster, they are so strong it will amaze you, and they cast easier than any comparable 4-pc fly rods. It’s just that simple.

LINK (via: The Caddis Fly)

I'm shipping one back east that will take up permanent residence at the folks Cape house.

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