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Entries in fly fishing humor (85)


Keith vs. Mangrove Snapper 


Why waders should dispense toilet paper

We have all been here before.

Ever get to a favorite “honey hole” pull on those waders for a morning on the water and then it begins.  Nature calls, it calls in 2 ways. #1 is a wicked tickle and #2 is a serious blast from the colon.

It’s May, it’s the off season, the frickin’ tourist are neatly tucked in their suburban yuppiedom and I am having a #2 crisis on the banks of the Betsy River.

LINK (Via: Fishers Landing)


Well Do Ya......Fish?

The Unaccomplished Angler tells us why fly fishing needs Dirty Harry along with some Photoshop gold.

We offer this additional tidbit from a High Plains Drifter post we did in July of 2005.

I know what you're thinking: "Did he cast six flies, or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But, being this is a Boron B2X, the most powerful fly rod in the world, and would rip your lips clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya fish?


No more fly s#*t please

Despite Gary's subtle hints that he much preferred gear fishing, Elaine continued to buy him fly themed home furnishings.

Inspired by Catalog Living


Egg Sucking Everything

A Rich Chiappone piece reprinted for your reading pleasure in Alaska Fly Fishing On-Line

I suppose it is one of the more obvious lessons in life that the farther you travel from the birthplace of something truly noble and fine, the more license people will take with that fine thing, and the less recognizable it is bound to become. Certainly the most egregious example of this is the "Hawaiian style" pizza, topped with canned pineapple, and ---for some reason I've never understood--- Canadian bacon. But close behind that would have to be what Alaskans have done to fly fishing.

Read the rest  LINK


Fly Fishing in a Nutshell