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Entries in fly fishing humor (85)


Taster's Guide to Mayflies 

The notion of a mayfly-tasting guide has been aging in the dark, cool cellar of Jim Dean's subconscious since the early 1970s.

Included are samplings of both Eastern and Western mayflies, along with a few other insects trout commonly consume.

LINK (Via: Fly Rod and Reel)


Fly Fishing Meets Shutterstock

This week we turn our sites on one of the other stock photo services.

Joan was thrilled the way Romeo's new neoprenes accentuated his package.

Lars suddenly realizes he forgot to de-barb his hook.....


Feel the force Luke.

When trout bite back.

Hello, American Museum of Fly Fishing? I think we found the lost Haig Brown expedition.


More Fly Fishing Meets iStock Photo

Reginald tests his prototype munchkin fly selector.

Rejected ad comp for Captain Morgan's.

Could someone in creative check if iStock photo has an image of a woman holding fly fishing gear with a navel piercing, suggestive tatt...... and wearing a magenta bra under her fishing vest?

Last time Jim checked he had two legs.

Yup, I'm adopted.

There isn't a river within 50 miles of here.

Roger insisted he fished dry flies exclusively but his creel told a different story.

Look, how many times do I have to tell you! Wear a fuckin belt, you're creepin me out.


BioLinks® Casting PROfiler™ and Fly Casting Glove 

Utilizing patented Augmented Kinematic Feedback technology, the BioLinks® Casting PROfiler™ and Fly Casting Glove is going to revolutionize fly casting instruction!

This is NOT a gimmick!

Yes, we're kidding.

(Via:The Limp Cobra)


iStock Photo Meets Fly Fishing

Can never be too cautious fishing on the first day of deer season.

Betty is all smiles knowing her fly patch doubles as a dog bed.

Dude, I told you this fly wouldn't catch shit.

Cher takes a break from her busy concert schedule.

These are not my kids.

Rebecca didn't know how to break it to Todd that she had lied about knowing how to fly fish on her profile.


Men Who Stare at Fish

Lefty Ray Chapa is a San Antonio, TX based, award winning freelance photographer & writer specializing in outdoor subjects like fly fishing & kayak fishing. In this Racks and Reels piece he humorously writes about a sudden disturbing case of vision flashes.

Being a late Sunday evening the only doctor available was Google. With a couple of keystrokes I knew I could be (self) diagnosed in seconds and find a cure within minutes. Ah, the wonders of the Internet. What I found was alarming.

Later that night when I talked to my longtime fishing buddy “A,” he said “Maybe you should get your head examined” along with other clichés like “Maybe you (really) have a screw loose (and its creating those sparks).”

LINK (Via: Racks and Reels)