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Entries in fish in the news (543)


A shotgun with slugs seems to work pretty good

 It's legal to shoot pike in Vermont.

“We fish primarily for pike,” Greenough said. He says the concussion of the gun blast in the water does not always kill the fish. In fact, he said half the excitement of the technique was trying to gather up the floating fish before they regained consciousness.

LINK (Via: Ultimate Outdoors Radio )


Persistent ‘Negative Pacific Decadal Oscillation

What sounds like bad news is actually good news for salmon and steelhead.

“I think we’re going to have a heck of a year” if current climatic conditions persist into the spring when young salmon and steelhead exit the Columbia River to rear for a year or two or more in saltwater, said Bill Peterson, NOAA Fisheries senior scientist and oceanographer.

LINK (Via: The Columbia Basin Bulletin) 


How the puffer fish gets you high, zombifies you, and kills you

And make no mistake, people do die from fugu poisoning. About five people a year make puffer fish their last meal, and many more get violently sick from it.

It's not a pleasant way to go.

LINK (Via: i09)


Proposed California Striped Bass Regs Shot Down

Striper Rise art by Mike Savlen

Remember those shitty new striped bass regulations California Fish and Game was proposing?

In a unanimous decision, Commissioners voted not to pursue a proposal that would have changed sport fishing regulations related to anadromous striped bass, including increasing bag limits and decreasing size limits.

LINK (Cal Department of Fish and Game News)


Fondness for musky outweighs desire for state record 

Scott Berrier loves to catch a musky, but he's bound and determined not to hurt a musky. He knew that taking the time to get the big fish to a set of scales that could handle it would be a death sentence, so he got a picture, took the relevant measurements — it was 53 inches long with a girth of 26½ inches — and let it go.

LINK (Via: Knox News)


Chum, What Can't it Do? 

Photo: Austin Baker/Flickr

Researchers from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany recently used salmon DNA to build a write-once-read-many (WORM) data storage device. Data is written to the device with a laser and read electronically, and you can enjoy the thought that your data’s sitting on a piece of sushi.

In this case, the DNA came from the testes of Oncorhynchus keta — aka chum salmon.

LINK (Via:Wired)