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Entries in fish in the news (543)


Science journal letter highlights salmon vulernability

Simon Fraser University scientist Jonathan Moore has authored new research suggesting that a proposed controversial terminal to load fossil fuels in the Skeena River estuary has more far-reaching risks than previously recognized.

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Pollution Spurs Rapid Adaptation in Trout

Research on wild fish populations is adding to a growing body of evidence that human activities—particularly polluting the environment—can spur rapid evolution in complex life-forms.

LINK (via:Scientific American)


New app lets fishermen help FWS track endangered species

Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is backing a new app to help officials better monitor and manage endangered species. The GPS-enabled app will allow fishermen to log encounters with some 50 at-risk species while on fishing trips.

LINK (via:UPI)


Last-Ditch Plan Aims to Prevent First Drought Extinction of Native Fish 

Noah’s Ark supposedly provided shelter to animals from the rising floodwaters. But at a federal breeding site near Shasta Lake, Calif., the opposite is occurring: The tanks of Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery are providing refuge this summer for salmon nearly out of water. There, staffers are rearing the only insurance policy that the Sacramento River’s winter-run Chinook have against extinction: a living genetic bank of 1,035 baby fish, selected to reseed the population should it extinguish in the wild.

LINK (via:Scientific American)


Yellowstone Approves Fish Restoration Project on Soda Butte Creek

Yellowstone National Park, in coordination with partner agencies Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Wyoming Game & Fish Department, and the US Forest Service, has approved a project to remove nonnative brook trout from Soda Butte Creek and reintroduce Yellowstone cutthroat trout into the stream as part of continued efforts to restore Yellowstone's native fish population. 

LINK (via: The Big Horn Radio Network)


Man Catches Furry Trout

Photo credit: George Weber

In the Great Lakes, legend says trout grew coats of fur to stay warm in the cold depths. In the Colorado River, folklore says it was because of hair tonic being dumped in the water. In Iceland, they are a scourge sent to punish humankind for their wicked ways.

As fantastic as it sounds, it turns out the mythical fur-bearing trout is no jackalope – they actually exist.

LINK (via:Cult of Weird)