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Entries in ffish in the news (24)


The pilots heard a big metallic noise

So maybe the swordfish is the baddest ass fish in the sea.

In 1967 while at a depth of 2,000 ft, the Navy deep sea submarine Alvin was attacked by a swordfish which managed to penetrate the outer hull.

LINK (Via: Gizmodo)


New form of idiocy surfaces on the Rogue

Oregon State Police are reporting that there are some dipshits on the Rogue catching wild steelhead, clipping their adipose, then releasing them so the next person to catch the fish can keep it as a hatchery fish.

It's not just happening on the Rogue.

While somewhat isolated now on the Rogue, the practice has been more pronounced on the nearby Umpqua River, where no wild steelhead can be kept.

Jail time and heavy fines await anyone caught clipping wild steelhead.

LINK (Via: The Mail Tribune)


Genetically modified frankenfish one giant step closer to reality. 

The Food and Drug Administration has completed its highly-anticipated evaluation of the environmental impact of the world’s first genetically-engineered (GE) fish for human consumption, and written a document supportive of its commercialization on the U.S. market, according to a person close to the review process.

LINK (Via: Talking Points Memo)

Think the systems to prevent these fish getting into the wild are foolproof?

The company has taken measures to make sure that its AquAdvantage fish are sterile, slipping the transgenic fish an extra chromosome. It works in 98 percent of cases, and the company claims that, in combination with its land-based system, it can achieve genetic isolation of the fish.

Yeah, until some hayseed steals a few and dumps them in the Miramachi.


Initially Adams thought he was into a carp

Mark Adams, a 41-year-old Union Pacific locomotive engineer, caught a 34.74-pound rainbow trout out of American Falls Reservoir on the Snake River last Monday morning. The fish is 14 pounds heavier than the Idaho state record and would be the largest ever caught in the US. The largest U.S. rainbow trout on record is a 33-pound, 1.6-ounce specimen caught below Lake Koocanusa in Montana’s Kootenai River in 1997.

Laid out on the tailgate.

An initial investigation suggests the fish is a triploid but even if it is determined to be a sterile rainbow, it still qualifies for the record book. 

LINK (Via: Northwest Sportsman Mag)


Ojai conservancy obtains steelhead preserve in Ventura River  

Some good news for endangered southern steelhead.

The section is located near the river's confluence with San Antonio Creek and has deep, shaded pools that don't dry up in the hot Ojai summers.

It's considered some of the best spawning habitat for endangered southern steelhead as they await flow conditions to continue their migration upstream, Conservancy Director Greg Gamble said.

LINK (Via: The Ventura County Star)


31 1/2 Inch Cutty

Curtis Robinson caught a 31½-inch cutthroat trout at East Canyon Reservoir this spring.

The fish is a new Utah state record and it's the largest cutthroat trout ever caught and released in Utah.

LINK (The Salt Lake Trib)