New form of idiocy surfaces on the Rogue

Oregon State Police are reporting that there are some dipshits on the Rogue catching wild steelhead, clipping their adipose, then releasing them so the next person to catch the fish can keep it as a hatchery fish.
It's not just happening on the Rogue.
While somewhat isolated now on the Rogue, the practice has been more pronounced on the nearby Umpqua River, where no wild steelhead can be kept.
Jail time and heavy fines await anyone caught clipping wild steelhead.
LINK (Via: The Mail Tribune)

ffish in the news,
whatchery fish vs wild fish in

Reader Comments (4)
"It's to bad that stupidity isn't painful"
Anton LaVey
I am an Oregon coastal steelheader, and unfortunately the practice is neither new, nor limited to the Rogue and Umpqua. To these people, wild fish, also known as "throw-backs," are not of any use, so they pay it forward to the next guy. I have heard people brag about collecting adipose fins. gross.
I'd like to clip something of of them...
We are all doomed...