This Week in Bat Shit Crazy

The latest barrage of pro Pebble Mine bullshit comes courtesy of a Ron Arnold opinion piece in the Washington Examiner.
You see poor Ron is tweaked that EPA head Linda Jackson would not meet with representatives of Nuna Resources. Not only is Ron upset that Jackson would not meet with the group, but poor Nuna can not compete with the,"large donors financing a slick AstroTurf campaign to "Stop Pebble Mine" and "Save Bristol Bay."
What Ron neglects to point out, amongst piles of other unadulterated bullshit, is that Nuna is financed and funded by the Pebble Partnership and that one of their board members is actually employed by Pebble.
So take a read of Mr. Arnold's opinion piece and then scrolll through some of the thoughtful comments, unless of course you want to question your faith in humanity.
LINK (Via: The Washington Examiner)

Reader Comments (5)
holy $h!t, the ignorance is profound in these readers:
"The new watermelon clan needs to go away."
Not sure what's worse, this or the ESPN Lin headline.
Yea man! I was shocked by the stupid political comments on there. Pointless even trying to reply or comment to those people.
Wow. I read the comments until the taste of vomit in my throat got to be too much. Which happened pretty quickly.
I love how they use the word "econut" over and over again to describe people who are concerned with conservation. Effing lunatics.
I miss the old pre-EPA days when the mountains in LA were covered in the lovely brown smog and we didn't have to go outside because the air hurt our eyes. Please support these people send them all your extra money so they can get rid of the EPA and bring back the good old days.