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Entries in dam removal (59)


DamNation Petition Delivery to the White House – Washington state residents please take action

On Wednesday, January 28, a small team representing activists, moviegoers, customers and the entire Patagonia family delivered a petition containing more than 70,000 signatures—the online petition and postcards combined—to President Obama and his top environmental advisers. Created in conjunction with the release of DamNation, the petition brought together activist voices from all 50 United States and 60 countries around the world asking President Obama to crack down on deadbeat dams—starting by finding a path to remove four harmful dams on one of the nation’s most important salmon rivers, the lower Snake, and begin the biggest watershed restoration project in history.

Check out some more photos from the DamNation petition delivery trip:

Washington state residents: Ask Senators Cantwell and Murray to help remove four deadbeat dams on the lower Snake River.

More than 70,000 people from all over the world signed the petition asking President Obama to remove the dams. But the feds want to see support from the leadership of Washington state. A phone call from you to Senators Cantwell (206-220-6400) and Murray (206-553-5545) is the most powerful way to get that support.

LINK (via:The Cleanest Line)


Evans Creek dams on track for removal this summer

Two of Oregon's worst wild fish barriers are on track to be jettisoned from Evans Creek this summer under a plan to open as much as 70 miles of prime spawning habitat for the Rogue River Basin's wild salmon and steelhead.

Project managers last week garnered a key state fish-passage permit that will help push other state and federal permits forward for removing the crumbling and abandoned Fielder and Wimer dams, which impede migrating wild salmon, including threatened wild coho.

LINK (via:The Mail Tribune)


"A powerful message supporting the removal of Searsville Dam"

The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board has sent Stanford University a letter saying the agency supports "alternatives that focus on dam removal" as the university moves toward a decision on what to do with Searsville Dam and its reservoir.

LINK (via: The Almanac)


Do you think the time has come to breach the four lower Snake River dams?

The Lewiston Tribune has an Opinion Poll up on their homepage right now asking if people think it's time to breach the lower Snake Dams.

This is the key paper for the dams and they just ran a great article about Jim Waddell's work showing the positive economics of removing them. 

Send a message and vote yes!


Walker takes ax to Alaska capital budget

On of the items stricken from Parnell’s proposal, according to OMB, is $20 million for the Susitna-Watana dam.


LINK (via: Alaska Dispatch News)


Historic plan to save endangered salmon, steelhead

In a historic agreement, the Army Corps of Engineers and NOAA announced an ambitious five-year plan to replace the worn out Buckley Diversion Dam and modernize its cache system to better protect the endangered Chinook salmon and steelhead.