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Entries in dam removal (59)


Beyond Searsville Dam Benefit Dinner

This Thursday Night in Palo Alto, Beyond Searsville Dam will be throwing a benefit dinner with Yvon Chouinard as the special guest speaker. Beyond Searsville Dam has been advocating for the removal of Stanford University's antiquated and ecologically destructive Searsville Dam. The dam blocks steelhead from over ten miles of historic spawning and rearing habitat upstream and adversely alters habitat downstream. All proceeds from the dinner will go to the next phase of their ongoing efforts for responsible removal of the dam.

All the event details can be found here.

Would you buy a used car from this man?

One interesting side note is that Chouinard's 2004 Toyota Prius is one of the many auction items.


Klamath dam removal legislation introduced

The PacificCorp Klamath River Dams are ground zero for the next big U.S. dam removal project.

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Congressman Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena, jointly introduced the Klamath Basin Economic Restoration Act in the Senate and House today.

The legislation would implement a plan, developed through a multi-year collaborative effort among farmers, ranchers, fishermen, tribal leaders and conservationists, to remove the Klamath River dams.

LINK (Via: The Times Standard)

Not everyone is thrilled with the plan to tear out these dam.


Patagonia Men's YC Dam T-Shirt

Water was meant to be in rivers. Sure some is needed for irrigation, some for power, some for cities. But fish, birds, animals, even people, also need water in the rivers. Without it, endangered species like salmon will not survive, whole ecosystems will be destroyed and recreational opportunities will be lost. Support the removal of the Matilija dam in California with the YC Dam T-shirt. The organic cotton tee features artwork by Nathan Reifke.


This is the same dam that was featured in YC's American Express commercial and was recently tagged by dam removal advocates.


Environmental Grafitti

An anonymous band of artists paints a huge pair of scissors and a long dotted line on obsolete Matilija Dam near Ojai. The message? Tear the thing down already.

LINK (Via: LA Times)


A River Reborn 


The Elwha River has already begun to re-emerge as the reservoirs are drawn down in preparation for removing the dams. The river is slicing through deltas of sediment as much as 60 feet thick that was trapped behind the two dams.

Tim Randle of the Bureau of Reclamation's Denver office, helping to lead the team of scientists tracking erosion of the sediment, said he was astounded to see how much the deltas have eroded since he last visited in May and drawdown got under way in June.

"It's completely transformed," Randle said of the landscape, adding that so far, both deltas are eroding in a fashion that is in keeping with the restoration plan.

LINK (Via: The Seattle Times)

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