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Entries in snake river dams (9)



Wild salmon, steelhead, and pacific lamprey are dying by the thousands due to the dams on the lower Snake River: Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose, and Lower Granite. These four unnecessary dams are costing taxpayers millions of dollars to maintain and repair. Meanwhile, energy produced by these dams is being replaced by clean energy alternatives. The dams’ primary purpose, barge transportation, has declined nearly 70 percent.

It’s time to remove these outdated low-value dams.

Join us on October 3, 2015, to tell our elected leaders it's time to remove the lower four Snake River dams, begin the largest wild salmon recovery effort in the world, and revitalize economies, communities, and cultures throughout the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies.

It's time to free the Snake!


Once more into the breach debate

Once a company man, Jim Waddell now finds himself challenging the agency he spent a career serving.

In so doing, he has established himself as a threat to those defending the four lower Snake River dams and a champion of breachers, who have adopted a new strategy that questions whether the massive costs associated with operating and maintaining the dams is money well spent.

LINK (via: Save our Wild Salmon)


Do you think the time has come to breach the four lower Snake River dams?

The Lewiston Tribune has an Opinion Poll up on their homepage right now asking if people think it's time to breach the lower Snake Dams.

This is the key paper for the dams and they just ran a great article about Jim Waddell's work showing the positive economics of removing them. 

Send a message and vote yes!


Oil Pollution from Dams

You can add oil pollution to the list of reasons why the lower for Snake River dams need to be removed.

For the first time in its history, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will have to disclose the amount of pollutants its dams are sending into waterways in a groundbreaking legal settlement that could have broad implications for the Corps' hundreds of dams nationwide.

The Corps announced in a settlement Monday that it will immediately notify the conservation group that filed the lawsuit of any oil spills among its eight dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers in Oregon and Washington.

The Corps also will apply to the Environmental Protection Agency for pollution permits, something the Corps has never done for the dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers.

LINK (via: US News)


Ground Hog Day Plan

The Obama administration's latest plan for making 14 hydroelectric dams in the Northwest safe for salmon offers no major changes in strategy and continues to rely on habitat improvements to overcome the numbers of fish killed by the dams.

LINK (via:The News Tribune)


Headlines that make the Chum want to eat some Fukushima sushi

Idaho dedicates hatchery to wild sockeye revival

LINK (via: The Spokesman Review)