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Entries in bigfoot (27)


BF Encounter of the Week: Desolation Wilderness Edition

"I started fishing as soon as my tent was back up and had a gorgeous finish to a very nice day. Then, after it got dark, I climbed into my sleeping bag looking to the east at the Crystal range, I think it is called, and watched as the glow of a near full moon worked it's way up over the top of the granite mountains. Once it was over, my day was complete and I decided to go to sleep. That was at 10:30 pm.

As I started to drift off to sleep, I heard what could only be described as a very deep, low, rumbling growl. The shear volume was incredible. It was so loud I could actually feel it. When I go into a wilderness area, especially a place I know has a large population of bears; I always carry a handgun with me. On this occasion it was a compact .45 ACP."

Read on at Sierra Sasquatch


BFRO Encounter of the Week: Gobble Hunting Edition


"At first I thought it was a hunter in a ghillie suit. But upon closer examination I realized this was no human wearing a camo outfit. It continued to walk up right on two feet down the valley towards my right. When the creature got to the bottom of the hill out cropping I was sitting on it stopped dead in its tracks and remained perfectly still momentarily. I think it was as this point I truly realized what I was seeing."  Read more about this sighting at


Fishing for Bigfoot


The entire recent episode of Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot featuring the now infamous McKenzie River incident.


Routine day. Skulked in woods. Hid from cars. Ate a dachshund. 

Jim Kershner of the Spokesman Review shares some excerpts from Sasquatch's diary.



Fish related BFRO encounter of the week: Chopaka


"Upon further examination I thought it was odd that the person was wearing a fur coat." More here at BFRO

Not to be confused with the 1996 Memorial Day sighting


Fishing related Squatch encounter of the week

"So, anyways... I was making my way across the west bay (very slowly - I WAS fishing) towards a point, and intended to methodically work the shoreline past the point to the farmhouse on the north corner of the lake. At the mid-point of my crossing, I heard it."  Read on at