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Entries in bigfoot encounters (2)


Fishing related BFRO encounter of the week

I was fly fishing by a lake in WA. I was all alone. I was setting up my camp I got bored and started singing softly. A short time later I started smelling what smelled like dirty cat litter... 

Read on at BFRO


Fish Related BF Story of the Week: Kalama Edition

Here's an oldie but a goodie.

"As I stood there in my drift boat watching the line slowly peel off of the reel, I couldn’t help but feel confused about what could possibly be attached to the other end when it stood up in the middle of the river 30 feet below my boat and seemed, by the glowing corkies and sand shrimp, to be hooked in the left shoulder and not at all comfortable with the whole situation, nor where either of the two gentlemen in the front of my boat." Read on 

And, a number of years earlier, up river from the beginners hole, this kid ran into a N.A.P. (North American Primate)