Mike Enzi does not deserve an award named after Jim Range
The American Fly Fishing Trade Association's recently wrapped up the Jim Range National Casting Call in Washington DC, an event that "brings the fly fishing industry to congressional and government agency decision makers.
According to the Casting Call web site:
The event spotlights AFFTA’s strategic and core partner, the National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), a public/private collaboration working to protect, restore and enhance our waterways and fisheries across the country. The Jim Range National Casting Call provides the venue for NFHAP to honor exceptional individuals or partners who have demonstrated a commitment to fish habitat conservation, science, or education with the National Fish Habitat Annual Awards.
Part of the Casting Call festivities is a Capitol Hill reception where Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi, and California Congressman Mike Thompson, were honored with the new Jim Range Legislator of the Year Award. Congressman Thompson for his efforts to protect salmon and steelhead on the Klamath, Enzi for attending every prior Casting Call and for helping small businesses as a member of the Senate Committee on Finance.
Worthy winners of an award named after prominent conservationist Jim Range? Well, you be the judge.
Thompson scores 96% on the most recent League of Conservation Voters scorecard while Enzi scores a whopping 14%. In otherwords Mike Thompson votes for the environment 96% of the time while Mike Enzi does only 14% of the time. Even the Republicans for Environmental Protection only gave Enzi a score of 40% in 2009. Why would you give an award named after Jim Range to someone who has a proven record of voting against environmental protection? Was this some sort of attempt at bipartisanship on behalf of AFFTA?
Next year's awards should only be given to individuals who support the mission of the National Fish Habitat Action Plan, AFFTA's "strategic and core" partner. Based on his policy positions and voting record the Honorable Mr. Enzi does not qualify, not even close.