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Entries in Weather (9)


Italian Fishermen Caught in Mega Hailstorm


(via: Outdoorhub)


The strongest El Niño on record may be brewing in the Pacific

All other tropical storms must bow before El Nino.

El Niño conditions are intensifying in the tropical Pacific Ocean, potentially leading to a record event that would help control rainfall in East Africa and possibly bring desperately needed drought relief to California, while temporarily cutting off rainfall to parts of the Indonesian rainforest.

A record strong event would also virtually guarantee that 2015 will beat 2014 as the warmest year this planet has seen since records began in the late 19th century.

LINK (via:Mashable)


Chicago flooding a threat to wash Asian Carp into Lake Michigan

Rains have brought the Des Plaines River on the east side of Chicago to major flood stage and a record flood crest was expected yesterday. Asian Carp are present in the Des Plaines River and the flood event is capable of washing significant numbers of Asian Carp from the Des Plaines River into a canal that feeds directly into Lake Michigan. 

LINK (via:Wunderground)

Due to the flooding brown trout are also being diverted into Lake Michigan.


Ice-off at Lower Sardine

One of my favorite places on Earth.  Kinda sounds like Han Solo's blaster gun, no?


Colorado snowpack tied for lowest on record

Fish early.

Statewide snowpack as of May 1 was 19 percent of the 30-year average, according to a report released by the Natural Resources Conservation Services office in Colorado. That ties for the state’s worst snowpack on record for May 1.

Only May 1, 2002, — a historic drought year for the state — was as bad..

LINK (via:The Tribune)

To bring light to the impact to businesses due to climate change and reduced flows Aspen recently held a ski race....without snow.

(via: The Goat)


Yo soy El Nino!

La Nina, which has held sway since last fall, will be officially declared a goner, an official at the Climate Prediction Center in Maryland told InsideClimate News. And while nobody is quite certain what will happen next, some long-range forecast models are pointing to the possible emergence of the opposite phenomenon: El Nino.

LINK (via: U-T San Diego)