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Entries in Conservation (940)


Draining of Folsom Lake forces Nimbus, American River Hatchery evacuations

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced on June 25 that it is moving fish out of the Nimbus and American River Fish Hatcheries for the second year in a row as Folsom Lake's cold water pool is rapidly drained by increased Bureau of Reclamation releases into the American below Nimbus Dam.

The agency blamed "a fourth year of extreme drought conditions" for "reducing the cold water supply available," while representatives of fishing and environmental groups point to mismanagement of Folsom Lake and other Central Valley reservoirs during the drought crisis as the key factor behind the evacuations.

LINK (via:


Steelhead Files: Catch and Release

Watch as John McMillan, science director for Trout Unlimited's Wild Steelhead Initiative walks through the proper technique to catch and release a steelhead, explaining the science behind it as he goes.


Greenland, Stop Driving The Atlantic Salmon To Extinction

The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) is very disappointed over the failure of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) to limit Greenland’s salmon harvest to sustainable levels, during negotiations to set regulatory measures at meetings that took place June 2 to 5 in Goose Bay, Labrador. Greenland would not budge below a quota of 45 tonnes, which was more than other Parties to the West Greenland Commission (made up of Greenland, Canada, the United States and the European Union), could accept. Denmark on behalf of Greenland unilaterally committed to limit the total annual catch for all components of its fisheries to take no more than 45 tonnes in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Scientists that advise NASCO have been very clear that there should be no harvest of North American salmon at Greenland. “A compromise would have been a subsistence fishery of no more than 20 tonnes, but more than twice this amount is unacceptable,” said Bill Taylor, President of ASF. “This will have a devastating effect on already endangered, threatened and at-risk salmon populations in North America and southern Europe.

Please consider signing this petition asking the Prime Minister of Greenland to help save the Atlantic Salmon from extinction.


TU unveils 'State of the Trout' report

Everything you wanted to know about trout courtesy of their namesake organization.



To the Ends of the Earth' Trailer


Saving Salmo Salar, the King of Fish

The once-abundant salmon in the rivers of New England saved many an early settler from starvation. But more important than a food source, or as a sport fish, the Atlantic salmon is deeply engrained in the culture of every country it has inhabited.

Now we are fighting for their survival.

LINK (via: The Huffington Post)

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