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Entries in Conservation (940)


New way to save salmon in the delta

The State Department of Water Resources has installed a series of speakers, strobe lights and air bubble hoses to keep endagered fish away from Delta pumping stations.

LINK (Via: The SF Chronicle)



The Plastiquarium is immersed in mystery. Modern myth suggests that a century of increasing phosphate levels in Earth's marine environment caused new, synthetic life forms to emerge. As recyclable HDPE plastic containers spread concentrates of consumer product pollutants, the Plastiquarium creatures evolved in the image of their packaging forbearers. LINK


Rippin Up the Salmon River

As the result of an investigation into in-stream mining in habitat for threatened salmon and steelhead, the Idaho Conservation League went public with accusations over abuses in Idaho’s Salmon River.

LINK (Via: The Idaho Conservation League)


Buy Great Beer, Save Great Rivers

During the month of May, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. will donate to Western Rivers Conservancy a portion of the proceeds from every 12-pack of Pale Ale and Summerfest Lager sold in the United States. LINK


Passage would allow unlimited, indiscriminate harvest of striped bass

Updated below

California Assemblywoman Jean Fuller (R-Bakersfield) has introduced legislation, AB 1253, to remove gamefish status for striped bass. The bill will be heard in the Water, Parks & Recreation Committee of the California State Assembly in Meeting Room 437, on Tuesday, April 28, at 9 a.m.

The bill is opposed by an unprecedented coalition of recreational fishing, commercial fishing and environmental restoration groups and businesses.

(Via: YubaNet)  LINK

Voice your opposition to this legislation here.


In Bonefish and Tarpon we Trust

Lefty, Flip, and Rick help spread the word about joining BTT.