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Entries in Conservation (940)


Whose Ocean? Whose Wild Salmon?

Corporate-government chooses profit over wild salmon; what do the people choose?

LINK (Via: Dissident Voice)


Suction dredging ban signed into law

The Governator signed a bill to temporarily ban the destructive form of recreational gold mining known as suction dredging. The bill places an immediate moratorium on all suction dredge mining until the California Department of Fish and Game develops and implements new suction dredge regulations that are protective of fisheries and water quality.

LINK (Via: Cal Trout)


August Slab of the Month: Upper Nushagak River Rainbow

After a bit of Pebble Mine impact research, Edward Inge and his bio buddies decided to hit the upper  Nushagak and see the potential blast zone for themselves.

After 87 miles of Nush love, they confirmed a feeling that many share - trout streams get no better and it'd be a bitch if this one changed.  In the process, they also stumbled across a worth Slab of the Month entry with this upper Nushagak rainbow.


Send Lawyers Guns and Money

Hot off the presses.

Bristol Bay Residents Assert Pebble Exploration Violates State Constitution

Anchorage, Alaska—A Bristol Bay Alaska Native organization and several individuals, including former Alaska First Lady Bella Hammond and Alaska Constitutional Convention delegate Victor Fischer, filed a civil suit in Anchorage Superior Court today asserting that the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) repeatedly violated the Alaska Constitution in granting permits for Pebble mine exploration. The lawsuit asserts that the agency failed to consider the public’s interest in sustaining the region’s rich salmon, wildlife, and subsistence resources, which are negatively affected by exploration activities. Plaintiffs are asking the court to halt exploration until the case is resolved.

“DNR has neglected its legal and moral obligation to protect Bristol Bay’s subsistence resources,” said Bobby Andrew, spokesman for Nunamta Aulukestai, a lead plaintiff. “Current exploration is having a serious impact on water and wildlife, yet the agency continues to rubber stamp permits and ignore the public interest.”

The lawsuit filed today asserts that DNR has violated multiple sections of Article VIII of the Alaska Constitution in repeatedly issuing exploration permits without public notice and without analyzing whether exploration or the mine itself are in the public interest.

Plaintiffs have asked the court for a preliminary injunction prohibiting the State from granting or extending permits for exploration and water use on mining claims held by the Pebble Limited Partnership, effectively stopping further exploration until the court makes a final decision – or until the State Legislature enacts a new regulatory framework for onshore mining exploration. The injunction would not apply to mining activities elsewhere in the state. Plaintiffs have also asked the court to void all exploration permits already issued by DNR to the Pebble Limited Partnership, Pebble East Corp., and Pebble West Corp.

Public interest law firm Trustees for Alaska filed the six-count civil action on behalf of Nunamta Aulukestai, an organization comprising eight Native village corporations, including Ekwok, Koliganek, New Stuyahok, Clarks Point, Aleknagik, Togiak, Manakotak and Dillingham. Joining in the suit as co-plaintiffs are Nondalton resident Jack Hobson, Nondalton resident Ricky Delkittie, Sr., Naknek resident Violet Willson, former Alaska First Lady Bella Hammond, and former Alaska legislator and Alaska Constitutional Convention delegate Victor Fischer.


Bristol Bay Native Leaders to Hold Press Briefing

Alaska Native leaders from the Bristol Bay region will hold a press event, which will be available by teleconference, in Anchorage this Wednesday to announce a significant new development in the long-running controversy over exploration and development of the Pebble mine project.

· Bobby Andrew, board member of Nunamta Aulukestai (Caretakers of our Lands)
· Jack Hobson, Nondalton resident
· Other speakers (TBA)

Press Conference and Telephone Briefing
Wednesday, July 29, 2009,
10 AM Alaska Time

Marriot Hotel at H and 7th Streets
Skagway Valdez Room
Anchorage, Alaska
Parking available at Municipal Garage

By Telephone:
Call-in number: 800-311-9402
Passcode: 5729

In addition to the speakers, there will be maps and photos ready for download

Harlin Savage, Resource Media, (720) 564-05500, ext. 11,
Lynda Giguere, Resource Media-Alaska (907) 771-4020,


One Woman, One River

Ali Howard has started her Skeena swim to raise awareness of development issues in the Skeena headwaters. Patagonia is one of her primary sponsors donating $5000 and a bunch of gear to the cause.

Ali Howard is swimming the Skeena River's entire 610-km length, from the Sacred Headwaters to the Pacific Ocean. She's doing it to raise awareness of threats to the Skeena and bring communities together around a vision for the watershed's future.