Bristol Bay Native Leaders to Hold Press Briefing

Alaska Native leaders from the Bristol Bay region will hold a press event, which will be available by teleconference, in Anchorage this Wednesday to announce a significant new development in the long-running controversy over exploration and development of the Pebble mine project.
· Bobby Andrew, board member of Nunamta Aulukestai (Caretakers of our Lands)
· Jack Hobson, Nondalton resident
· Other speakers (TBA)
Press Conference and Telephone Briefing
Wednesday, July 29, 2009,
10 AM Alaska Time
Marriot Hotel at H and 7th Streets
Skagway Valdez Room
Anchorage, Alaska
Parking available at Municipal Garage
By Telephone:
Call-in number: 800-311-9402
Passcode: 5729
In addition to the speakers, there will be maps and photos ready for download
Harlin Savage, Resource Media, (720) 564-05500, ext. 11,
Lynda Giguere, Resource Media-Alaska (907) 771-4020,

Reader Comments (6)
You have to know more then that, let us in on what is going to be talked about.
That's all we got in the e-mail.
We'll see tomorrow.
That sucks, thanks for the update, man!
Hopefully its a "significant development" AGAINST the mine ! All the grass roots and organised petitioners are doing a great job so far, lets hope it all works in the end.
Greedy Bastards shouldn't be allowed within 100 miles of good fishin :)
Was talking with someone about Pebble and an upcoming meeting. He kept me pretty much in the dark, but said that it may well be a jaw-dropper. Can't really wait to hear what the poop-scoop comes up with on this one.
I'm going to call in.