Special Awakening the Skeena Screenings Next Week

Residents of Ventura, California and Jackson Hole, Wyoming have the opportunity next week to hear Yvon Chouinard and Patagonia CEO Casey Sheahan introduce Awakening the Skeena.
As you may remember from prior posts, Awakening the Skeena follows Ali Howard as she swims the entire length of the frigid Skeena River to raise awareness of the threat to salmon from proposed coal bed methane gas wells. Ali Howard and musician Rachelle van Zanten will be attending both events; the Jackson Hole screening will also feature a benefit silent auction with lots of great prizes, including a trip for three to Islas Secas Resort in Panama's Las Secas Archipelago. Don't miss it ! Details below
Monday, November 15, 2010
Great Pacific Iron Works
Ventura, California
7pm • Free
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Center Theatre
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
6pm • Tickets $7
All proceeds benefit Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition
Learn more about this issue at skeenawatershed.com.
Take Action! Ask Shell and the BC government to withdraw the tenure for coalbed methane development in the Sacred Headwaters.
(Via: The Cleanest Line)
One last thing to point out. If you take a moment to go to the sponsors page on the Spirit of the Skeena website you'll see some familiar good guy names like Patagonia, MEC and Double Haul Productions. You'll also see the name of our friend Tim Pask. According to Ali, This is the guy that elevated the Skeena Swim from a mere thought to reality, he was the inspiration to actually go through with it!
Huge props to Pask for being one of the driving forces behind the Skeena Swim, a great example of how we can all make a difference out there.