January Slab of the Month Entry: Argentinian Rainbow

This nearly toothless beast came to Justin Witt's hand yesterday while float tubing one of the high mountain lakes. A lake that the locals all assured him held no fish.

This nearly toothless beast came to Justin Witt's hand yesterday while float tubing one of the high mountain lakes. A lake that the locals all assured him held no fish.
An odd post from the Daily Telegraph in which it compares the weights of celebrities to giant fish.
(Via: A Welsh View)
Camo lingerie is the answer. Do yourself a favor and read the customer reviews.
Awkward Family Photos rarely disappoint.
In order to keep the carp alive chefs cook its body but wrap its head in a wet cloth to keep it breathing, before covering it in sauce and serving in on a plate.
Geostationary Banana Over Texas was an art intervention that involved placing a gigantic banana over the Texas sky that would be visible only from the state of Texas and its surroundings. Fortunately for Lone Star State anglers the project has been suspended due to lack of funds.