Stay Classy PTTS

Save the Tarpon recently posted this telling picture of Silver King Entertainment/Professional Tarpon Tournament Series partner Rodney Taucher stepping on a dead tarpon that was later linked to the Women's PTTS tournament.
Further evidence you should join some of the biggest names in angling and sign Save the Tarpon's petition to end the PTTS.

fish in the news,
save the tarpon,
tarpon in

Reader Comments (6)
While I completely support catch and (proper) release and practice it myself, we are talking about a dead fish. He didn't kill it, didn't mutilate it. And boycotting this man's business b/c of it? Pathetic excuse for "environmentalism" by Save the Tarpon.
yeah...stepping on a dead tarpon's mouth and taking a picture of it is real classy.
Ryan, I would suggest you look further into the Save the Tarpon campaign. Once you've done that, you might appreciate what they are trying to do by ending the PTTS.
Also, whether he killed or mutilated that fish or not does not matter. It's death was directly caused by his "business," and that he posed with it shows that he could not care less about these fish.
The attitude, dude, the attitude!
His name is Rodney. His bag of doucheness appears full.
where's the stuff about the elephant shit coffee?