Sunday Tuna
Sunday, January 6, 2013 at 12:00AM
A single bluefin tuna has sold in Japan for $1.7 million, almost triple the record price set last year.
LINK (via: The BBC)
A step in the right direction before we kill the last bluefin?
North of the border.......
It is the ultimate fish.
When its muscles fire up it can actually cook its own flesh.
tagged bluefin tuna, fish in the news, sunday tuna in Conservation, Species
Reader Comments (2)
These are the kind of posts that bring me to the Chum every day. Love the fish pics and movies, but these informative posts are the best.
of all the harmfull tuna fishing practices in the world, you're going to claim the rod and reel fishery will be responsible for catching the 'last bluefin'. That's not only lazy, but ignorant. We should be promoting the management tools used by Canada and the US. You want to help the tuna? Fight the herring seiners.