Shamu On!

A team fishing in a recent tuna and marlin tournament off New Zealand became the talk of the event because of what it (foul) hooked but had no chance of landing: a large killer whale.
LINK (Via:Outdoors Action and Adventure)

catch of the day,
fish? in the news? in

Reader Comments (2)
"Angler Charlie Destounis took the rod and fought the cetacean for about 45 minutes before the line broke. The killer whale made repeated runs of about 750 yards and the reel was literally smoking before the end of the struggle."
What a douche bag! Why even bother? Should have taken a picture and cut the line right away instead of fighting a killer whale for 45 minutes. Did this nimrod actually think he could land this beast? Obviously this guy lacks in intelligence. We have a similar idiot here in my city who hooked a seal while fishing for sea trout.
D-bag is abit too charitable to describe that bag of meat.......not to mention the rest of the scum in the boat,including the captain who should have shut this BS down.....To bad Shamu didn't call all his buddies and leave those wankers floating on their beer coolers.....