Last Chance for Romance

Today is the last day that the WDFW is accepting comments regarding the Snider Creek Hatchery on Sol Duc River. If you have not submitted a comment there is still time and it only takes 2 minutes.
After decades of failed hatchery management policies you have a chance to win one for wild steelhead by advocating the WDFW to close the Snider Creek Hatchery and designate the Sol Duc a wild steelhead refuge.
The Sol Duc is a river steeped in heritage as, this excerpt from Doug Rose's Fly Fishing Guide to the Olympic Penninsula will attest.
“With its strong run of wild fish and rich legacy of Glasso Spey flies, there may very well be no place in North America where the fish, the flies, the river conditions, and a river’s fly–fishing heritage come together in such a compelling way as on the Sol Duc in spring. The Quillayute System produces more wild winter steelhead than any other river in the Pacific Northwest, including many in excess of 20 pounds and few over 30, and the Sol Duc is by far the most productive component of the system.
All anglers, including the ones that still think hatcheries are an effective management tool, should be advocating to give one up for wild fish.
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