The Alberta Tar Sands - The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Along with megaloads rolling through the scenic byways of Idaho and Montana and Enbridges's plan to build dual pipelines to and from the BC coast, the Canadian company TransCanada hopes to build a new pipeline that would bring "oil" from the Alberta Tar Sands to refineries in Texas.
New research has just emerged that raw tar sands oil is much more corrosive than standard crude resulting in greater risks for pipeline failures. The report said lines carrying product derived from tar sands are 16 times more likely to leak than lines carrying ordinary crude. Just so happens this new proposed pipeline would travel beneath the Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska, a huge, shallow water table that provides drinking water for about 2 million people in eight states.
Friends of the Earth has an overview of the project along with a number of ways you can take action.
Reader Comments (3)
I guess you can keep bitching about Alberta Oil, but how many of youhave been to the oil sands and looked upon miles and miles of oily sand? When the big bad oil companies leave there are trees and wild grasses planted over reclaimed sites. Why not start bitching about coal production? as americans just continue sending your contries young men and women into the meet grinder that is the middle east. You can't have it both ways idiots, safe oil or "cleaner" oil..... you choose, we'll sell this stuff to the Chinese and Indians if the US doesn't want it..... better get a smaller hummer
repeat after me
There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..There is no tar in the Oil sands..
they're going to end up carrying it out in blimps. you heard it here first...moldy chum comments; supplying audio since right now.