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Not a Steelhead

A 42 x 24 Gerrard Rainbow.  LINK (Via: Chrome Tails)

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Reader Comments (36)

Nice pic man! Thick buck bow.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercseverin&2

holy shiite

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered


April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCraig

wow. he must work out. both of em!

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfishbite

Now thats a SOTY impressive!!!

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Guymon

Nice Work!!

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWIsco

to bad that has to compete with riley's bow. that kid has quite a fan base. otherwise, this has got my vote

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHerb

is there a nuclear facility in the area?

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterp

Dear Riley,

Sorry brother but this hog eats fish like the bow you caught.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Cranium

I hate pellet fed rainbow trout. They are gay ;)

If that's a Gerrard, it was probably caught illegally. Gerrard rainbows spawn in the Lardeau river, and this one looks like it was 'gravel raped' ... Would love to hear from the originators, because this looks fucking BAD to me. If I'm wrong, it's still certainly not the brightest idea to be screwing with one of the last (and the best) pure strains of rainbow trout in BC while they make a spawning pilgrimage. We have a spring closure for this reason. Maybe it's time for a kootenay lake spring closure within 500m of the spawning tribs as well. The hero photo culture has to die, man. Damn, what a shame.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterk

I second 'k's words. Gotta be a Revelstoke area fish, which are awful hard to come by on the fly at this time of year!!! Would love to know the story behind this fish...

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSpeyDog

I'll admit I know very little about the Gerrard I decided to educate myself and it would seem that the previous posters with concerns may have a very valid point:

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGerrard

Gravel Raped.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYou

What about a Pend Oreille lake run?? Thats all good right?

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterluv 2 h8

Definitley not illegal. Released. And they pay $15 a head for those things. Pretty amazing that they are still around actually.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCal

in the words of chamillionare
They see me rollin'
They hatin'
they tryin' to catch me ridin. dirty.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterhaters - Nice fish

well said. a bunch of bitches hatin. let the guy have his moment. unless you were there in the bushes and saw everything happen. shut your mouth!!!!!!!!

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterhahaha

I took the photo, this fish was big, beautiful, and by far the biggest trout I have touched. Aaron the guy who caught it is a class act. Be watching out for him and his friend Mark Bove. They have a fishing show in the works, it will be really sick stuff.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Ah, there it is. "Fishing show." Now it makes sense. Exploit the rarest and most pristine of beasts for the almighty dollar. Gotcha. Just one thing. Stay out of the Lardeau. Vigilantee-ism is alive and well in Kaslo, my friends. Pretty tough to say you were fishing for whitefish with all those streamers stacked on your jacket, buddy.

And to all the 'anti haters' - shove it. I'm sick of this all too frequent situation where big fish are being treated poorly or whatever and then everyone jumps on the guy for having 'penis envy'. Shove it. It's not about penis envy, it's about not falling for another big gay grip and grin. So what, the guy caught a nice fish. Everyone catches nice fish sometimes.

Next argument will be from someone half smart trying to tell me that they said they caught it in March and bows don't spawn until later. Well, I'll save your ass the trouble. Gerrards spawn early.

The Lardeau flows into Kootenay Lake. Do some reading. Lardeau is closed. You pay $10 to retain a Gerrard, in the lake. The fact they allow a kill fishery on these fish at all is a god damn crime.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterk

Was not caught in Canada. Like I said...Fish and Game pays $15 a head for these fish, all you have to do is chop off the head and drop it in a freezer, then the Avista Utility guy picks it up and sends you a check for $15...because we would all rather catch Kokannee than big Rainbows like this.... Buch of BULLSHIT if you ask me. Fuck Fish and Game.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterC

Then it's not a real Gerrard. Rant unfounded. Whew. Sometimes I like being wrong. I understand your pain Cal. we have had the same headaches with lake trout.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterk

Hey K you are a fuck tard!!! You don't know what the you are talking about, its not from the Lardeau and Lardeau fish don't spawn till May becasue its usually frozen in March. This fish is from the lower 48 in a lake, caught on gear. You should know this being that you are a Gerrard expert. Lake Pend Orelle has the world record Gerrard and this fish is a prime example of how perfect these fish are. It was carefully release along with a few other nice fish. This picture wasn't suppose to end up on the interwebs... but someone... named C... thought it was too sick to keep a secret. Honestly K, please take the dildo out of your ass before you post something on here. It would make you seem a lot less gay...

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark Bove

Classic reply. Thank you. I guess the world is limited in it's definition to Idaho. Personally, I believe records are a pissing contest of the highest order and place no value in them. But hey, if you get your rocks off by seeing your name in a book and having your fat face plastered on MC, good for you! You probably never had a mother.
The largest naturally occurring rainbow trout in 'the world' live in Kootenay Lake, not Idaho. The Lardeau was not frozen in mid March when I flew over it. Nor was it frozen last March. Gerrards are typically on-site by early April. Sorry, I can't identify where a fish was caught by counting it's spots. If you can, please publish your knowledge so the rest of us can be enlightened. A TV show about gear fishing to spawning rainbow trout. Ought to be great. Will it be on wildtv? With the rest of those 'my balls are THIS big' shows? That'll be super phat tight dope shit G-Man. Pce

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterk

Much too sick Mark. I love fishing Canada.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterC

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